Josef Krýsa was born in 1965 (Prague). Since 1991 he has been working as research asistent at the Department of Inorganic Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT), from 2004 as associate professor and from 2008 as full professor. The main field of interest is preparation and characterization of semiconductor photocatalysts, photoelectrochemistry, reactions at photocatalyst surfaces and environmental photocatalysis. Josef Krýsa is the leader of the group Photocatalysis at the Department of Inorganic Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague ( 

He published 148 scientific papers in impacted refereed international journals. The number of citation to these papers (without autocitations) is 4253 and h-index 33.

Other publication activities: more than 200 presentations at international conferences including about 34 lectures. 



Ing. (1988) – Dept. of Inorganic Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague.

PhD.(1995) – Dept. of Inorganic Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague.

doc.(2003) – Dept. of Inorganic Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague.

prof. (2008) – Dept. of Inorganic Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague.

Research stays abroad:

1991 (3 months) School of engineering, University of  Exeter, UK

1997 (3 months), School of engineering, University of  Exeter, UK

1999-2003 (5 months) Blaise Pascal University, Clermont Ferrand, France

2001-2005 (3 months) Technical University Wien, Austria