
Prof. Josef Krýsa, Ph.D

N105011 Engineering Thermodynamics (CZ)

S105011 Engineering Thermodynamics (EN)

N105009 Experimental Methods in Electrochemistry (CZ) 

N105019 Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Sources (CZ)

N963014 Bachelor Thesis

N963008 Diploma Thesis

N105023 Laboratory Project II

Ing. Michal Baudys, Ph.D.

N111006 Procesy v ochraně životního prostředí (CZ)

N963014 Bachelor Thesis

N963008 Diploma Thesis

N105021 Specialized Laboratory

Ing. Šárka Paušová, Ph.D.

N105019 Trvale udržitelný technologický rozvoj a obnovitelné zdroje energie (CZ)

N963014 Bachelor Thesis

N963008 Diploma Thesis

N105021 Specialized Laboratory


Prof. Josef Krýsa, Ph.D
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Department of Inorganic Technology
Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6
+420 220 444 112 josef.krysa@vscht.cz